
"I Try" - Macy Gray (Soloist: SnowCream)


Hey new and returning students! Thinking about joining the swankiest guys in green on campus?

If ya missed us at A Cappella Fest or want to relive it, take a moment to check us out.

Click on the image above to get more information from our Facebook event.

Callbacks will be posted early next week. See you at auditions!


On June 8th, our Class of 2013 seniors (Cathy, Pledge, Nosebleed and Silky) had their final rehearsal with F15.

While we are sad to see them go, we know that they're going to go on to do incredible things.

We love you guys so much and wish you all the best of luck in the future. F15 won't be the same without you.



On May 25th, 2013, we celebrated our biggest birthday ever. Featuring performances from members representing all

fifteen years of the group, it's safe to say that this was by far our best show ever.

We thank you all for coming out and celebrating in style with us. We love you all.

If you'd like to see videos from the concert, click on the picture above!


Ladies and gentlemen, the day has finally come. The moment you've all been waiting for. It is our greatest pleasure to

annouce that our sixth studio album, HIGH FIVE FRIDAY, is now available on iTunes!

Will and Danny

Thank you SO much to everyone who made this CD possible. We love all of you a lot!

Enjoy the new album by clicking here or the picture above!


This year's winter concert was a reading week special full of fun, games, singing, and absolutely no studying!

Audiences heard their favorite songs from some of their favorite artists, played some sweet games, won some awesome prizes, and relived the joys of childhood. If you missed the show, don't worry! Just click the image above to watch some of the highlights from it.

We had an absolute blast putting on this show, and can't wait to see you next time! 



This year, the men in green were invited to perform after dinner at Dance Marathon!

Rumor has it they were the fan favorite of the night, but we doubt it.

We know the just liked our costumes.




Over winter break, F15 travelled to the faraway and exotic land of downtown Evanston to perform in gigs, live the

tourist lifestlye, and engage in general buffoonery.

Highlights included singing at Skyhigh, celebrating birthdays at Mexican restaurants, and teaching kids about music.

It's safe to say that this was one of our most memorable tours yet.





Once again, the boys in green joined forces with the beautiful ladies of Significant Others to put on a rockin' show!

Thank you so much to everyone who came out to see us. Nothing could have been better than singing for two packed and energetic houses and getting to make the most epic wishes of our lifetimes with the late crowd!




Please welcome Liam McShane and Matthew Kestenbaum to Freshman Fifteen!

They join Chris Anselmo, Alex Bird, and Justin Marquez to round out the class of 2016.

You guys. They're all really good. And really cool. Things are looking good for this year.



After an awesome quarter in Evanston, we decided to take our act to the Big Apple! To kick off an awesome weekend, we had the pleasure of opening for NYU's Mass Transit. In the days that followed, we held some impromptu performances in Central Park, hung out with and sang for some awesome alumni, visited and performed for (and with) Nosebleed's elementary school (Allen-Stevenson!), and even got the chance to sing for the wonderful Volunteers of America.

However, as with any F15 trip, singing was not the main event. The return of Cathy, ice skating at Bryant Park, Broadway shows, wandering around the city, and general frolicking made this trip one that none of us will soon forget.

We would like to give a HUGE thank you to the amazing parents of Nosebleed, Silky, and Cathy for letting us stay in their beautiful homes. You are wonderful people.

Can't wait to see where we end up next!

New York


TOUR 2010: OHIO!


F15 just completed another successful trip to Ohio, wreaking havoc on both Sandusky and Fostoria. We experienced the wonders of the Kalahari Desert, braving the waters of the Tanzanian Twister. We rode some of the fastest and tallest roller coasters America has to offer. Living in the lap of luxury, we stayed in 5-star accomodations along the coasts of Lake Erie. All in all, it was AWESOME.

Thanks to the wonderful people of Ohio, Berardi's Family Kitchen, New Riegel Cafe, the smiling lifegaurds and waitstaff of Kalahari (Hey Tim!), Genny (miss you already!), Stacy's Place, and the third largest Wal-Mart east of the Mississippi. But most of all, we want to say a huge special thank you to Tim and Vicki for making this trip nothing short of spectacular. Bubbles, Karate Kid, Kazaam, Nosebleed, Pledge, Baby Angel, E.T., and Limp Top will never be the same.

Can't wait to take another trip to our favorite state with some new hotness!

Van Picture


Here's what the critics had to say about our last album

Welcome to the Paradise Lounge

(click here to get your copy today!)

"Today, Northwestern University Freshman Fifteen is releasing its fifth studio album, Welcome to the Paradise Lounge. The A Cappella Blog was fortunate enough to get a sneak peek at a handful of tracks, and it's looking like a promising disc for collegiate a cappella aficionados looking for a new CD to carry them into the summer.

One of the things I like best about this CD was that the guys weren't afraid to take chances with song selection. They showed their sensitive side with a really beautiful rendering of "Awake," highlighted by a perfectly understated solo. They embraced the emotion of Macy Gray's "I Try." And then there was a really bold imagining of [Marc Broussard's] "Home." It's a popular song choice for all-male groups the last couple of years, and so, on first glance, not an inspired choice. When you hear it, though, you can't help noticing just how fierce the arrangement and the soloist are, as the guys demonstrate no trepidation about making the song their own in this recording.

Another key to the disc's success is a generally smooth sound that at the same time never comes as across as over-produced. The guys sound polished, but you scan still hear just enough of the texture of individual voices to know for sure that you're listening to a collection of human voices rather than the synth-sound many groups are embracing in contemporary recordings."

- The A Cappella Blog @ CASA.org